
I’m a happily married mom of three.
Ages 10 and 7 and 5.

Though “older child adoption” is very rare from Korea, we were blessed to be joined with our daughter the day before her 5th birthday.  We started this blog to document our process, even before we were officially matched with our daughter.  We thought we were going to do the traditional Korean program, but God had bigger plans for our family and Coralie.

Our blog not focuses on life as a family of three, adjusting from orphanage to family and all of the muddy waters that go along with that: food, learning languages, feelings and our new life. We also were thrown into the world of pediatric cancer when we found out one month home from Korea that our daughter has a body full of skin cancer.  Treatment options for children are much less than treatment options for adults. Learning as we go over prayer, tears and hope.

We are faaaar from the perfect family, we struggle, we fail and we could never be where we are without the help of God and His Grace.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Email me at Jadkins      77    at    ya   hoo   (No spaces)

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