2nd Meeting

10 Apr

Yesterday was our meeting at Lotte World.  We were to be at the agency 9:30 and ride together.  At 8:45, we hopped on the subway. It was only 10-13 stops, so we had plenty of time. UNTIL we realized that the Green line 2 had a split off and we were going in the wrong direction.  Oy!  After 20 minutes (!!) we were headed in the right direction.  I texted Grace who sent me our agency’s phone number and called to tell them we’d be late. Great impression, right?  We hopped of the subway and ran for 2 straight blocks to the agency.

Once we got up there, our social worker told us we must hurry because Seung Joo was there already. We thought we were driving together, but she was taken by her staff at the orphanage.  Another social worker walked us out, we met our volunteer translator, Sarah, at the corner and hopped in 2 cabs.  The scariest cab ride. Seatbelts didn’t work, there are no rules, no real lanes and everyone just pushes and cuts people off.  But crazy enough, no one has road rage here!  They just push and push and the winner is the winner and the other one knows they will probably win next time. 😉

Once we got to Lotte world, neither Sarah our the social worker really knew where to go. We walked all over! (Can I say, Korean’s just take their time when they walk! We have a pace to keep and go, go, go!) Finally, after at least 20 minutes, we found her! Eating a big ol’ piece of chocolate cake. 

Once we finally got in, we saw it was like national field trip day or something.  A crazy amount of groups were there.  We only rode a couple of rides together and then played in the little kids room before she had to go, but it was so great.  She is just so amazing! She’s happy and silly and loving.  She’s doing so well!

She wanted to ride the carousel the most.  She kept saying, “Mal!”, which, we were told, meant horse, but the line was so long that we went to the monorail.

Seung Joo’s caretaker went to the front of the line to talk to the employees and they made an exception to our situation and let us budge in line due to our limited time.

We then rode on a super high hot air balloon ride.  Logan was a bit unsure because he’s a bit afraid of heights, but we hopped on.  We were told that SJ can be timid, but at fun parks, she’s all in! No fear! But the ride was long and she was sleepy.

She fell asleep on Appa’s shoulder and then stayed asleep for about an hour.  So very sweet.

I think someone likes her daddy.

After lunch of chicken bits and coke (ha! Coke not my choice) we moved on to the little kids playroom.
It was INSANE and hundreds of 2-5 yr olds.

She kept grabbing the boy’s hands and pulling them around.
But it was BUSY and LOUD and she was ready to get out of the loud area, so we went on another ride.

And then, after some group shots in the previous post, we said our tearful goodbyes.
Then, the four of us went on to the Korean War Memorial and home for a dinner at TGI Fridays.  4 drinks, 4 meals = 95,000 Won! Or, about $85!! Street food is only about $1-3, so lesson: If you want American food in Korea, you’re going to pay through the roof. 🙂

Today, we’re taking a down day. Dave wanted to go to the DMZ tour today, but it is election day in Korea, so it is closed. Big huge bummer.  We’re going to relax, let the kids play a little bit on the computer and start packing up some of the things we have.

Though we were going to initially get custody of Cora on Friday after the picnic, she has decided that she does not want to go to the picnic! She wants to go with her family. So, tomorrow morning at 10:30, we will be united forever. ❤ ❤

7 Responses to “2nd Meeting”

  1. Yvonne April 11, 2012 at 12:52 am #

    that last photo of sister and brother hugging is priceless! Lotte World looks like a fun place for kids – glad you got to see her “in action” and that she is yours tomorrow! So wonderful!

  2. amy April 11, 2012 at 12:20 pm #

    OMGosh!! Loving all the pics with her brothers, daddy and mama!! Love love love the one of you two riding the ride together– her face is priceless 🙂 You both look so happy!!! So great you will have custody tomorrow!! 🙂

  3. stephanie April 11, 2012 at 12:26 pm #

    “…we will be united forever.” YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The pics are AWESOME! Cora sleeping on Dave. *swoon* Her hugging the boys. *sweetness*
    LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anne Pirlot April 11, 2012 at 12:59 pm #

    Love the pics! I bet you can’t wait to get her home, though. 🙂

  5. heidi April 11, 2012 at 1:30 pm #

    Oh! I’m loving your updates. I’m so glad things are going well for your family so far. Cora is a beautiful girl. 🙂

  6. Dena April 11, 2012 at 6:42 pm #

    Oh, that picture of Cora and her big brother hugging just kills me!!! So happy for all of you!

  7. megan r April 12, 2012 at 4:48 pm #

    “she has decided that she does not want to go to the picnic – she wants to go with her family” ….wow, that says it all

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